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Mobility- and Developmentplan Wolkenstein


Mobility- and Developmentplan Wolkenstein

In 2011 QNA + bad architects has elaborated in collaboration with the engineers ILF, EUT and the traffic consultants Köll the “Mobility and Community Development Plan for Wolkenstein”, South Tyrol, Italy.

Assuming that traffic per se is not negative since it enables frequency and turnover, the study tackled the reduction of the negative aspects of traffic in Wolkenstein while profiting from the good aspects. Therefore the Study considers not only cars but all road users, including cable cars, cyclists, pedestrians, bikers, skiers, buses etc.

Based on several profound traffic and SWOT- analysis the (neutral) data was used to generate several scenarios, with and without bypass, fostering public transport and human powered mobility (pedestrians and bikes). The scenarios were tested by means of model calculations on the effect on traffic as well as their spatial effect on the quality of the community of Wolkenstein.



Wolkenstein in Gröden, Autonome Provinz Bozen - Südtirol, Italien






Gemeinde Wolkenstein in Gröden


QNA + bad architects
Paul Burgstaller, Taylor Davey, Ursula Faix, Vladimir Ristic, Johannes Weninger with Melsom arkitektur, Oslo Norway

The project has been elaborated in collaboration with
ILF Consultant Engineers, engineering
EUT Consulting engineers, engineering
Ingenieurbüro Köll, Traffic planning

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